Schedule Your Publications!

Schedule Your Publications!

Hey xHamster Family,

We’ve just launched a long-awaited feature that will make your content creation journey much smoother: Scheduled Publications!

We all know that staying consistent with your uploads is super important in the digital content world. But let’s face it, keeping up with a regular schedule can be a bit of a challenge. That’s why we’ve come up with a solution to make things easier for you.

How Does it Work?

The Scheduled Publications feature is now available for verified users.

Here’s how you can use it:

1. Upload Your Content

Upload your video, moment, or photo just like you usually would. At the bottom of the page, you’ll notice a shiny new “Schedule this publication” toggle.

2. Schedule It:

Your content will undergo a quick review, taking just up to 2 extra days for our moderation team to give it the green light. This means your earliest posting date from the calendar will be 2 days (48 hours) from the day you schedule the post.

Choose the date and time you want your content released and press submit for review. The default timezone you’ll see is your local time.

3. Sit Back and Enjoy: 

Once scheduled, your content will automatically go live at the set time. No more daily manual uploads!

Need changes?

You can manage your scheduled publications by visiting the “Scheduled” section in Uploads. If you change your mind and want to publish your content immediately, navigate to this section and click the publish now button.

Important note: Any content you have scheduled for publication will be posted at the scheduled time, regardless of whether the daily limit has been reached.

Wrapping Up

Let’s save your time, ensure consistency, and simplify your content creation process. Plan ahead, and let Scheduled Publications handle the rest. 

Do you have any questions or feedback? Contact us using our Contact form. 

Here’s to more consistent content! 

Much Love,

xHamster Team.

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