Promote Your FapHouse Fanclub on xHamster!

promote your fapHouse fanclub article cover

Hi creators!

Starting immediately, you can create a promotional message sent directly to your fans on xHamster.

We built this new promo tool on xHamster to help creators who have both a FapHouse Fanclub and a creator’s account on

Here’s how the new tool works:

Click the “Create promo” button under our new block called “Promote your FanClub”.

demo of new promoting feature

On the create promo screen, you can determine who of your subscribers will receive the promo. Define a catchy promotional title, with a sexy and alluring message.

Be sure to add a FapHouse Fanclub link for your subscribers to click and follow through to your exclusive space. You can schedule the promo day, and don’t forget to upload a custom banner image.

Just make sure that the banner image isn’t larger than 5mb, has a png, jpg, jpeg, or gif file type, and meets minimum resolution specs of 400x400px. A banner, of course, is optional.

promotion creating example

Once you meet these requirements, click the red “Request approval” button for our moderators to approve the post. Allow 1 to 5 days for approval.

You can run 1 promo a month, and remember that the required fields, moderator approval, and a FapHouse Fanclub are required.

Don’t have a FapHouse Fanclub?

Click here to create a fan club on FapHouse.

Then you can see why becoming a FapHouse creator is a very smart idea!

promo post example

If you have any questions or comments about the new promo tool feature, let us know.

We’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to us through our Contact Form.

Happy promoting!

With Love,
The xHamster Team

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