Likes and Comments for Creators

Likes and Comments for Creators

Hi creators!

We are always looking for new and exciting ways to liven up the mood on xHamster, providing our creators and regular users with new/updated features any chance we get.

This time, we’ve decided to upgrade our like/comment features to make things more interesting. From now creators will have additional features to look forward to:

  • All the comments that the creator liked will also be highlighted. These comments will have an account-type icon below.
  • We will highlight the comments posted by the creators. They will have the word “Publisher” by their name.
  • Of course, all the ‘like’ reactions will be marked, even if you are a regular user.

Don’t hesitate to interact with your audience using the new features. Write comments under the video, or if you have something to add to other comments, you can also reply to them! If you’ve made a mistake in your already published comment, you can quickly delete it by clicking the trashcan icon that appears when you hover over the comment.

Make the comments section under your videos and photos more interactive. Your likes can attract new users and subscribers and encourage others to write comments.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to reach out via our Contact Form.

With Love,
The xHamster Team

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